English language arts
VCOP differentiated table mats
VCOP on pencils, presented by level. Coloured to support SEN and Dyslexia friendly.
Ways to make spellings memorable
A powerpoint, which can be printed and used as posters, or as I did - print into a small flick book, to give suggestions for ways to learn spellings. Supports different learning styles and all ages.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow - days and months display
Ready to cut and laminate
Story elements cake display
Story elements cake. Sponge layers for beginning, middle and end. Jam and cream problem and resolution. And finally extra toppings of adventure, characters and setting. When cut and laminated, can be put together to form the final cake! Includes recipe and image of the completed cake.
SPAG Games
A range of games, easily adapted for a variety of year groups.
Mount Vesuvius recount, diary, video reconstruction
These resources were created to use alongside the linked video. They enabled the students to create notes during the video, and supporting their use of their senses to help describe what was happening during the volcanic eruption.
I found it helped to darken the classroom and turn up the sound. Watching it several times meant they often spotted new things on each viewing. Screenshots from the video support the writing and can be cut and stuck alongside their writing.
One of our favourite lessons.
The Iron Man - chapter by chapter questions and activities
The Powerpoint presentation contains questions for each chapter. Feel free to adapt and use these in any way you see fit. There are also worksheets for each chapter.
WW2 Air raid shelter writing lesson
Used with Year 5, but could be adapted for any class. The lesson plan details how the resources were used. The classroom was prepared with tables, blankets, battery candles, books, playing cards etc.
The powerpoint should play a sound file, so while a warm up activity is being played in the classroom, after 5 minutes the sound file silence finishes and an air raid siren begins - this is the signal for the class to enter the ‘air raid sheters’ and to experience and record what it’s like inside the shelters. We made our classroom dark to add to the experience.
This was one of our favourite lessons.